So, I can become a member of the Vestingbar?

Yes you can! The Vestingbar is run completely by students who are all members of our association S.V. De Gevreesde Koe (“The Feared Cow”). We currently have around 40 members (or cows, as we say) and we can certainly use some more help! Every member of the Vestingbar is working in one of our five divisions: The Bartenders, Discjockeys, Security, Events and the Technical Staff.

Do I need experience?

You don’t need experience with working in a bar, but we do expect some enthusiasm and a positive spirit. With your co-workers, you are responsible for keeping everybody happy. Whether it’s a small night where you have plenty of time to chat with your co-workers and the guests, or a big event (like our Tirolerfest, New Years Eve or the Kick-In), in the end you can enjoy a nice drink and cheer on a successful evening. If you choose to become a bartender it is preferred to be able to understand some Dutch, but of course most of our guests speak English as well.

What do I get in return?

Besides experience in working in a real bar you’ll get a small volunteer compensation and a discount on your beer. We do take running the Vestingbar very seriously, but keep in mind it’s not a “real job”, we still are volunteers. Besides running the bar we also organize some activities for our members like going bowling or going for a trip. We even went to Belgium to sleep in a castle for three days!

How much time will this cost me?

That’s mostly up to you, we don’t have a tight schedule. But we do expect some commitment. For example when you become a bartender we would prefer it if you have time for around 4 nights a month. If you become a member we will train you (preferably within a month) to do what is expected from you. If you try your best and have a positive attitude most people will succeed in this.

Cool, how can I sign up?

You can sign up online using this form or you can fill in a bar coaster in the Vestingbar itself and give it to a bartender. They can also answer any questions you might have about the Vestingbar.

We hope to see you soon!

All good and well, but will there be a pub quiz tonight?

We have a pub quiz every Tuesday at 9:00 PM, even during the summer holidays. So that you can find a spot in peace, we open at 8:30 PM. The pub quiz will finish around 11:00 PM, after which we have a happy hour for an hour, and the winning team can get a free round at the bar!

Will we see you there?